Club W Review

Hello there!

I am happy to report that I have passed my first semester of nursing school!



That’s right…no school until August. I feel like a kid again, excited for all the possibilities that summer brings. You know what I did yesterday? I read a book…FOR PLEASURE. It was such a treat to read something other than a textbook! So what’s a girl to do all summer? Well, I am planning to lay out in the sun at someone’s pool and sip some wine of course!

Where I live in Mid-Michigan, there’s only a couple of places to get a good variety of wine. I pretty much exhausted the wine supply at the Kroger and Meijer. So I started searching around for a wine club to join that didn’t cost a couple of hundred bucks to join up front.

Cue in Club W…..

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My First Blog Post!

Hi There!

You are part of some very important history here people! Don’t you feel lucky?

I’m very excited to start blogging as it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time now. So I decided why not today? No time like the present, right????? I have some amazing ideas for the blog that will be about wine, recipes, crafts and life in general. I am so excited to share all these with you! Just be patient with me while I figure all of this blogging stuff out.

On that note, let’s get started!

Since starting my first semester of nursing school, I quickly realized I have time for nothing. NOTHING. Unless it’s studying. That’s all I do. I study at home, with my study group, I study on my lunch break at work. At least I can have a glass of wine while studying at home. It’s the little things in life. Continue reading